Thursday 8 September 2011

Capitalism and the lack of democracy

The western societies boast always about freedom and democracy. For some parts it may be true, but it is not that kind of democracy and freedom which is expected by the proletariat. The democracy of capitalist societies serves the rich people's interests.
Some people believe, that capitalist societies have already achieved the highest stage of democracy Nonetheless every culture has a different understanding of how democracy should work. For instance in western democracies the ruling party gets elected by the majority of the people, but there is still a considerable minority which disapproves with the ruling party. Just what benefit is this kind of democracy providing for you when it serves the rich people and you have to live under subsistence level?
“The United States, in particular, has been a staunch promoter of democracy and has fought to have democracy entrenched throughout the world.  [...] Why is it that the US not only champions democracy but champions extreme individualism and unbridled capitalism and has strongly opposed any form of socialism (which might spread the benefits of development more widely among people)? Why is it that America's wealthy elites are able to exert such strong influence on political elections and economic decisions? Alesina and Glaeser in their book Fighting Poverty in the US and Europe (2004) point out that all the American political institutions are ultimately the product of an 18th Century Constitution which was crafted by a minority of white and wealthy men of property determined to stop the State from expropriating their wealth and to limit the amount of redistribution the poor could demand of the rich.”
Another point is that the hierarchy of the old days in the democracies of today is still preserved. The situation gets worse through economic crisis. It is acting as a tool for the politicians to take over the will of the people. Nevertheless the “societies of neoliberalism” are ruled by capital. That's why they call it capitalism. Money is the power for the few not for the entire people.

Democracy is often abused in difficult times, mostly in specific situations like war. And then there are people who proclaim themselves as the liberators. This is why some movements like nazism and taliban had so much acceptance among the population. These movements are characterised by false hood and misinformation, so you have to be careful. There are only specific liberations which benevolent for the people like the liberations from imperialism and capitalism.

Eventually, the democracy endangers itself in particular in neoliberalist based societies, which are not always intended to serve the entire people. People in history have always fought for more freedom, but in my opinion we haven't reached the final stage of democracy. The struggle for real democracy for the people goes on.

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